Category: Design

ERA – the Game That Neil Forgot

I do laugh to myself, sometimes, when people still refer to me as a ‘games designer’. Duty and Honour was published 17 years ago with Beat to Quarters coming one year later. That’s a...

Six Months of Patreon: My Experience

It’s been six months now since I started my Liminal RPG Patreon adventure, and I wanted to share some of the things I have learned through the process, with a bit of transparency about what I have got out of it.

Entering Alt-History Mode!

  One of the features of the new version of Duty and Honour that I am the most thrilled about is the potential to finally create a game that can keep fans of historical...


#designgoals Ten years ago, I started the process of writing Duty & Honour. It was a very different time and if truth be told, I was a very different person. Gaming, in the intervening...

So Many Ideas and Not One Iota of Clarity

Welcome to my mind. I’m currently looking at five weeks off work with utter horror and almost anxiety. I have to do SOMETHING during that time and my mind inevitably turns to games design....